share. Route of Hannibal’s invasion of Italy. Fabius Maximus was replaced by a Roman consul who was determined to engage Hannibal directly. Fabian strategy draws its name from the Roman Dictator Quintus Fabius Maximus. Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus Cunctator was a Roman statesman and general in the 3rd century BC. a. For the Romans, the year 212/1 BC was a turning point. The Fabian Strategy Resumed and the War's End. Fabius Maximus sees Hannibal. Now new commanders stepped to the fore, ready to save Rome from destruction. The Carthaginians began to be bottled up. Unlike most of his contemporaries, Fabius had a pretty clear-eyed view of Hannibal. Fabius Maximus sees Hannibal. The Fabius Maximus website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Hannibal vs. Rome: Why the Battle of Cannae Is One of the Most Important in History ... Fabius Maximus, who adapted a non-confrontational strategy, avoiding open battles and engaging in … Close. Under the command of the new consul, eight Roman legions marched off to destroy Hannibal’s forces. Map: Abalg / CC-BY-SA 3.0 Fabius the Delayer. 1.7k. Before Hannibal. save hide report. He was elected dictator after Hannibal Barca invaded Italy, and used his position to employ a unique - at least for the Romans - strategy of avoiding battle and attacking the enemy's supply lines. • He was Consul in 233bc (when he was given a triumph for a victory against the Gauls in Liguria) an again in 228bc. The decisive battle for which Fabius’ had been ousted was a massive failure. 99% Upvoted. When Fabius Maximus, the dictator, arrived, he sent to Rome Servilius, who could be no longer either consul or general after a dictator had been chosen. Hic, clausus locōrum angustiīs, noctū sine ūllō dētrīmentō exercitūs sē … Tasked with defeating the Carthaginian general Hannibal in 217 BC, following crushing defeats at the Battles of Trebia and Lake Trasimene, Fabius' troops shadowed and harassed the Carthaginian army while avoiding a major confrontation.Knowing that Hannibal was cut off from his supply lines, Fabius … Log in or sign up to leave a … Among the most important were Quintus Fabius Maximus and Marcus Claudius Marcellus. Fabius was a powerful patrician senator, with all the political influence of the Fabii behind him:. 17 comments. I n charge once again, Fabius went to work against Hannibal. When he had maintained the camp for some days there and was turning towards Capua, Q. Fabius Maximus, the Roman dictator, threw himself to him (Hannibal) in the Falernian territory. V. OF FABIUS MAXIMUS HOW HE FOUGHT WITH HANNIBAL. The patrician general, Fabius Maximus, was the man chosen by the frightened citizens to be Dictator of Rome and leader of the army, when they heard that Hannibal had made himself master of Etruria as well as of Cisalpine Gaul. Fabius Maximus in Control Fabius's career. By land, meanwhile, Fabius Maximus insisted on a strategy of devastating the crops and avoiding battles on Hannibal’s terms. For this, he is remembered as one of the fathers of guerrilla warfare. Fabius followed Hannibal closely, but did not come to an engagement with him, although often challenged. The following year the Roman people returned to Q. Fabius Maximus and returned to power as Consul, and his strategy was put back into effect. Posted by 1 month ago.